When he got
home, he put the fish in a sink. He grabbed a knife to kill the fish. But when
he almost killed it, he saw the fish eyes and felt pity. He took the knife away
and put the fish in washbasin and added water in it. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t
kill you” the fisherman said.The fisherman went fishing again. But this time he
couldn’t get any fish. He went home with nothing in his hand. His stomach
started to sing. He walked home slouching. He was surprised when he saw smoke
came out from his kitchen.
cooked in my kitchen?” he confused.
He took a
peep and surprised when he saw a beautiful girl cooked in his house. “Why
there’s a girl in my kitchen?” he confused.
fisherman entered the room. “Who are you?” he asked the girl.
“I’m the
fish.” The girl said.
fisherman looked the washbasin and saw nothing in it. “The fish?” he asked
“Yes. You
didn’t kill me and I’m very thankful. I will return your kindness.” The girl
ok. I didn’t ask any return” the fisherman said.
“But I
have to. ”The girl insisted.
“Well, I
lived alone. I don’t have family. If you want to be my wife, I will be very
happy.” The fisherman asked the girl.
The girl
smiled and said “I’d love to but you have to promise me that if we have kid you
can’t tell him about me.”
And so,
the fisherman and the fish girl were married. And then they had a child called
Samo. Samo was very naughty. He couldn’t be advisable. He always played and
never helped his parents.
One day
Samo was asked to deliver lunch to his father. On his way, he met his friends
and forgot to deliver his father’s lunch. Samo played with his friends. When he
was tired and hungry, he was resting under a tree and ate his father lunch.
Meanwhile his father waited him in starve and tired. His father went home and
saw Samo played. “Where is my lunch?” he asked.
I ate it” Samo said afraid.
“Why you
ate it?” his father asked.
I was hungry after playing with my friend” Samo said.
“You were
told to deliver my lunch but you didn’t listen.” his father was very furious.
“I can’t handle you anymore. You are very naughty. Go away from me. Don’t come
home anymore.” His father yelled and evicted Samo from his house.
And this
what happened if you can’t control your mouth when you angry. His father said
the words that he wouldn’t suppose to say. “You… fish’s son.”
the sky was getting dark. The storm was breaking the ears. The rain felt from
the sky like giant hose sprayed water all over the place. And then the water
came out from the land and getting harder.
mother was very sad. “I told you don’t tell him about me” she said to her
husband. “Now I’m going back to be fish again. Good by” the mother was
transformed magically to be gold fish again and disappear through the water.
The water was getting higher and drown the village and formed a lake.
Meanwhile, Samo run to the hill and stayed there. The hill then was surrounded by the
Now the
lake was known as Toba Lake. Toba came from Tuba word means no mercy. And the
hill in the middle called Samosir Island. Samosir means ‘Samo di usir’ or in
English : Samo have been evicted.
Source :
http://twelve-paradise.blogspot.com diunduh tanggal 7 Juli 2013
Source :
http://twelve-paradise.blogspot.com diunduh tanggal 7 Juli 2013