Throw the Ball
Activities for students
- A small plastic ball will be needed for this game. Ask the students to stand up in a circle.
- The teacher will throw the ball to one of the students and shout a sentence, for example : I like speaking English.
- The students who catches the ball has to mention the last word and shout: English. After that this student has to make a sentence beginning with 'English'. For example: English is spoken by the people, while he or she throws the ball to a friend.
- The student receiving the ball has to mention the last word and shout: People, then she or he throws the ball again to another friend and shout, for example: People always read newspaper.
- The next student who catches the ball always continues by making a sentence beginning with the last word given by his or her friend. When someone cannot catch the ball or cannot make a sentence, any punishment might be given to him/her.
When a ball is not available, you can use small plastic bottle or plastic pencil case.
What am I
- The teacher asks a volunteer students to stand in front of the class. On a piece of paper, the teacher writes a profession or job, and shows it to the class. The volunteer student is not allowed to see the job on the catd.
- The teacher asks the volunteer student to make yes/no questions to the students in the class to try to guess. Tell the volunteer, he or she has three minutes to guess.
- The following are sample questions. They can be written on the board to make it easier for lower levels.

Do I work in the morning? Do I wear uniform? Do I have staff? Do I type in this job? Do I meet people a lot? Do I work with shift? Do I have a boss? Do I serve the customers? Do I speak English everyday? Do I have good salary? etc.
- The volunteer student can create more questions until he or she can guess it only three minutes
If three minutes is too short, you can give the volunteer student five minutes.
Daftar Pustaka
Redjeki Agoestyowati. 2008. 102 English Games. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. diunduh tanggal 17 Juli 2013 diunduh tanggal 17 Juli 2013 diunduh tanggal 17 Juli 2013 diunduh tanggal 17 Juli 2013